Explore your Senses

Inhale… Exhale… Soften your gaze… Settle in…

Bring awareness to your senses and your surroundings. Slowly enter the deeper layers of yourself while being fully present to your body, the ocean air,  the warm breeze and soft sand beneath your feet.

The “path inward” is one in which we recognize our unity with everything and everyone.

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Yogaventure Retreats

Us in Dushi Curacao

April 2018

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May 9th to May 16th 2019

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Ignite your chakras

November 16th to 23rd, 2022

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Yoga Yacht Retreat

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Curaçao Luxury Yoga Retreat
December 6th to13th-2024

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Marmaris Yoga Yacht Retreat
2025 -TBA

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